Security Bank x Childlink Learning Center

Education begins at home, and while good schools are there to further guide our children grow in all developmental aspects, be it socially, emotionally, physically and intellectually, other private organizations pitch in to help kids become the better version of themselves.

Security Bank Cebu Osmena branch headed by BM Imee Kua conducted another financial literacy campaign in partnership with Childlink Learning Center and Highshool last November 17-18, 2015; making it their 3rd successful collaboration with the school. In attendance were from varied age groups ranging from Playgroup, to Kindergarten kids, to middle school and junior high students. The said event highlighted the importance of saving and proper management of money, or in their case, their allowances. Security Bank employees gave out talks and offered tips on how to start saving, how to make smart purchases, and why it is important to live within their means.

Financial literacy is as valuable as any academic program as it teaches the youth on how to be conservative spenders, smart savers and most importantly, financially independent young adults. Security Bank understands this hence the conceptualization and actualization of the financial literacy campaign.

Photos from Security Bank

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