Being a mom entails a lot of responsibility and I couldn't imagine being responsible to a tiny human until I had two birth stories to share to the world. Being a mom means giving up a lot of things and on top of that list is sleep. Motherhood brings with it a ton of challenges; running after a two-and-half feet tall natural sprinter 2-year-old who sprints the last 3 meters to the bathroom is a marathon in itself. You die a little every time you witness an almost mishap, mini heart attacks that come and go every hour or so. It is hard, yes, but also very rewarding. The toughest job in the world, they say, but it brings with it so much happiness, you can see it reflecting in your child's eyes. Some mothers are comfortable sharing the ups and downs of motherhood, others prefer to keep them private. But just because you haven't heard from this mom that rearing children is challenging, it doesn't mean that she has it easy because no motherhood experience ever is. For what it's worth, it pays to keep a positive outlook, an open mind and a resilient heart. After all, isn't that what mothers are really made of?
On a lighter note, sharing with you guys my Mother's Day feature on local paper, Cebu Daily News.
This is quite possibly the only photoshoot and interview that tensed me up all throughout! While Vania enjoyed the shoot, frolicking in the tub for far longer than necessary, I was extremely anxious of my makeup melting and my hair going limp because of heat and humidity. That, or it was just nerves that had me sweating like a pig. It didn't help, too, that Vania was extra chatty during my interview Hayde that I kept losing my train of thought! It was crazy! Haha! This came as an absolute surprise when they approached and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity.
But thank you so much, CDN team, Hayde, Ms. Niza and Ms. Mimi for this!
Thank you Edd for the beautiful photos! I love all of them!
To my relatives abroad who wish to read the feature, you can download a digital copy from the Philippine Daily Inquirer online portal or click the photo below to be redirected.
Happy Mother's Day to all mamas around the globe!
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